Melodies of Praise Burgundy
Melodies of Praise Burgundy
Vea las opciones que se encuentran a continuación para opciones de compra.
Your church will ring with Melodies of Praise. In combination with projected words or simply on its own, the hymnal will enable your congregation to worship with long-standing favorite hymns and gospel songs. 341 songs span from the classic beginnings on and are carefully divided to give good balance for all occasions. The song subjects cover all phases of Christian experience and living, and topical, title, and first line indexes make it easy to find the one you’re looking for.

Download the Song List - PDF (577k)
Item Options
Melodies of Praise Burgundy
Melodies of Praise Burgundy
Item #05CX0509
Pricing Tiers:
Qty of : 1 to 49   -  
$ 15.99 ea
Qty of : 50 +   -  
$ 12.99 ea
Himnos de gloria y triunfo, sólo palabras
Himnos de gloria y triunfo, sólo palabras
Item #04CX0259
 : Backordered - Ships when available.
Price: $ 9.99
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