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God's Mountain Man, 25th Anniversary Edition - Item #020563
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God's Mountain Man, 25th Anniversary Edition
God's Mountain Man, 25th Anniversary Edition
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God's Mountain Man, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Story of Jedediah Strong Smith
by Esther Loewen Vogt

Most of the mountain men you've heard of were knife-totin', hard-drinking, never-prayin' frontiersmen—but not Jedediah Strong Smith.

Jed was different, from the Bible in his “possibles bag” to his kind heart. In these pages, you'll hear tell of his treacherous river crossings, frontier battles, and even a fight with the fearsome grizzly. But what's more, you'll also discover how Jed's wisdom and faith in God carried him as he explored the unknown territory that now makes up the western United States.

Based on the life of Jedidiah Strong Smith (1798–1831).

Product Details

Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
Size: 5½ x 8½
ISBN: 9780882435633
Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
Pub. Date: February 15, 2018
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