  • Preschool Spring
  • Preschool BibleTime Stories Spring
Preschool BibleTime Stories Spring
Preschool BibleTime Stories Spring
Número de artículo: 601314
Quarterly Supply Exhausted.
$ 4.49


Preschool BibleTime Stories
Spring (March, April, May)
Ages 3 and 4

Your kids want to share what they’ve learned in Sunday School and this take-home paper helps them do that.

It includes stories parents and kids can read together at home, a weekly Bible verse (KJV and NIV) to encourage regular Scripture memorization, and interactive parent/child activities to reinforce the primary theme of the Sunday School lesson. It keeps kids engaged throughout the week to remember truths learned at church.

Order one per student.

Product Details

Format: paperback
Size: 8 x 10¾
ISSN: 1072-1479
Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
Pub. Date: February

Table of Contents

View Quarter Contents
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