  • For the Church
  • The New Believer's Friend Handbook: Mentor's Companion
The New Believer's Friend Handbook: Mentor's Companion
The New Believer's Friend Handbook: Mentor's Companion
Número de artículo: 020280
En Existencia
$ 9.99
by Charles Crabtree and Rebecca Gullion

Bring the power of mentoring into new believers’ lives and they will become more solidly planted in biblical truth. Use this book with its companion, New Believer’s Handbook, to set up a mentoring program for new believers’ first week of faith. Simply provide mentors with this guidebook and when people make a decision for Christ through one of your services or ministries, provide them with the companion book and match them with a mentor.

The New Believer’s Friend Handbook will prepare mentors by discussing the role and goal of a new believer’s friend. It’s easy to read and includes chapter outlines and study questions with answers for each chapter of the New Believer’s Handbook. Paper.
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